LAS Competition Day

This year I led one of the competition sessions during the Leader Advancement Scholarship Competition Day. I was asked my two people that I look up to dearly to lead the session and they thought my personality was fitting for the position! So I figured….why not! central-michigan-university-office.jpg

Leading up to the competition, my partner and myself rehearsed various times to mainly learn how to get ourselves into character. (A large part of my role was playing a role from a story).

My favorite part of the day is just seeing all of the LAS scholars come together to see all for the potential new LAS scholars.

Being able to see of the incoming students was truly an honor, and to give incoming students advice on the varying aspects of college was truly an incredible experience. If it wasn’t for LAS, I would not have come to Central Michigan University. LAS has macaaae0fd0d1d5571223e8c08c73c6e34.jpgde me who I am today, which is why I was so grateful to be a apart of the competition day.
I also had a very large takeaway from this day: you have to look at the big picture. So much occurs when a large event is going on that you have to take a step back and realize that there is a large purpose behind this special day, and it needs to be cherished in the moment.

Advocacy & OutReach Board

I currently work at the Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center. Within that is an Advocacy and Outreach Board that I currently serve on. The purpose of the board is to organize a advocacymultitude of special events on campus for a diverse group of people and reach a large audience. Being that I am the OrgSync student coordinator in the office, it is my job to help plan how events are communicated with the university. I use OrgSync mostly as it has over 22,000 students as users for the Volunteer Center.

We have held many events such as Issue Day (based on social issues occurring in our world today), Be My Neighbor Day, Film and Speaker Series, blanket making for the foster care system, etc.Screen-Shot-2015-05-12-at-4.12.44-PM

Being on this board has made me realize how many people it actually takes to make events at large scale be successful. There are so many different departments that come into play and there has to be a constant flow of communication. Also, holding a position on a board shows that you can be counted on. You also need to live up to this standard. I truly enjoy see an event start from finish and all the different aspects that went into it. I am so happy for my experience and have learned real life lessons than I can count.

Greek InterVarsity: Being a Christian Leader within my Sorority

IMG_1727Along with two other amazing women, I am one of Delta Zeta’s bible study leaders. In this role I help bring my sorority sisters closer to their faith.

In order to be in this position I have to attend a weekly bible study prep, a “cluster” where a group of other greek bible study students discuss certain topics, and then we lead our chapters weekly bible study.

This past semester there was a regional Greek InterVarsity conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. The picture above shows a few of my DZ sisters and I out exploring the town. This conference brought all walks of life in their faith closer to God. My position as bible study leader has also made me hold my self accountable for various other parts of my life. Not only am I there to lead my sisters in spiritual lives, but I need to be a representation of a women of God everyday. Being in a position of power hold more responsibilities than just showing up to certain events. When you are a leader , you must be there for people even in your down time. Being a leader is a lifestyle and I am a leader in Greek life. It’s not just for four years. It is for life.hazycam



PRSSA- Becoming the Professional

Closing in on my junior year, I am wrapping up my third year being involved in the Public Relations Student Society of America chapter at Central Michigan University. I could not be more grateful for my time being active in PRSSA. I have served on the special events committee where I helped plan socials for members and the annual end of the year banquet. This year I served on the professional development committee where we planned a career fair and a professional public relations conference called An Age of Polarization02229D4D-5FBC-4E7F-87D8-243DBD3E344B

I even went to the National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana this past year and gained a lot of knowledge and had the opportunity to network.By being in this organization, I surround myself with people in my same major. Even more importantly, I surround myself with people who want to succeed and do great things.

From professional speakers, resume building, friendship building, an knowledge gaining my decision to join this organization has been such a positive experience.

Criminal Justice: Alternative Winter Break

This past winter break I decided to be a participant on my third alternative break in my college career (prior to this one, I had led one). Now as you continue reading this blog post just know that no matter how I put words together to describe this experience, nothing will live up to the life changing experience I truly did have.IMG_1294

I spent a week in Omaha, Nebraska at a juvenile rehabilitation center called Youth Links. No exaggeration- That place changed me forever. We spent all day long with the kids, just like them. Eating the food they ate, being stuck in between the same cement walls, and listening to the same rules they did.

Coming into this experience I was very nervous on how the kids at Youth Links would react to me, but that could not have been further from the truth. Over the course of one week I gained a relationship with one 12 year-old boy that I will never forget. We currently write letters back and phone and those letters literally mean the world to me.IMG_1288

Our service consisted of leadership activities, ice breakers, and learning techniques mostly related to the kids thinking about their future. In the situation that they are in, it is very easy for them to have no hope. One of their favorite parts was when we held mock interviews. It was amazing

On the very last day we had a Christmas Party filled with rootbeer floats, a white-elephant party, and Christmas card making.  The little boy that I became close with I knew was acting secretive and come to find out he made me my own personal Christmas card. You better believe I cried!

Service comes in so many forms, and this trip came in the form of being mentors to youth in a juvenile rehabilitation center. It’s amazing where life can take you sometimes, and for me I learned not only about myself but where I could see myself in the future. Helping the juvenile system.

How to Dress to Impress

So you have recently registered for the Public Relations Conference : An Age of Polarization. Now you are probably wondering…hmmm what am I even going to wear?

The answer. Dress to impress. In other words- professional.

People in today’s world have a wide range of beliefs in regards to what is acceptable and not when it comes to going to a professional event. So here are a few tips in what to wear on April 20th!

  1. Wear the classic suit. For men, wear the matching suit set. For women, wear black dress pants and a blazer. Women also have the capability to wear a dress, tights are optional.
  2.  Wear COMFORTABLE shoes. A future employer doesn’t want to watch you stumbling in your heels, or putting band-aids on you heels because you bought your shoes yesterday from Kohl’s and din’t have time to break them in.
  3. Attempt to cover all tattoos and body piercings. This is a touchy subject, I know. However, it’s just a safer route to not have the facial piercings and that tattoo showing that you got on spring break that you regret even getting.
  4. Do not over do it with the cologne or perfume. A nice fragrance is always nice, but if the people you are talking with can’t breathe, then the conversation will probably end fairly quickly.
  5. Accessories are always a nice touch, but too much can be overwhelming. Always choose one statement piece and go with it. For men is usually a fashionable watch and for the ladies is nice earrings or an understated necklace.
  6.  Leave the smoky eye for another time. Classic, neutral colors on the face will allow for people to focus on who you are as a person and not what is painted on your skin.
  7. Groom yourself. Make sure to take a shower, get a haircut it need be or do your nails.

If you LOOK good you FEEL good. This will boost your confidence and allow for some great networking!

Now you are prepared to dress the part at the Public Relations Conference: An Age of Polarization! We can’t wait to see you there!

Keeping Your Kids Moving During The Winter Blues

A Healthier Michigan


Winter is how many months long in Michigan? Too many to count – so  here is the perfect read to learn how your kids can overcome the cold temperatures. The snow days seem to be never ending and your kid’s energy seems to have no place to be exerted so they sit on the couch watching Netflix. While this keeps them out of trouble, there is nothing healthy about the situation.

Sure, we are in the stressful holiday season with a lot of time spent traveling and eating dessert at family parties. There are ways, however, to keep your kids active and healthy during the winter “blues”. Here are a few easy ways to work exercise and fun -yes, I said fun- into the winter months.

  1. Find a place to go skiing and snowboarding. If your kids are adventure seekers, search up your nearest skiing and snowboarding resort. Save time and space in the car, and rent the equipment there. If this is something the kids end up loving, you can always buy season passes-which saves you a ton of money in the end! You can also look up what places offer lessons!
  2. Get involved in the community recreational center. Joining a gym or a league is the easiest way to stay out of the frigid cold. The kids can choose to run some laps in the pool, participate in pick-up basketball games, or spend an hour over sweaty equipment (unfortunately, there is still the cold walk to the vehicle and back).
  3. Create a Family Bootcamp. Spend some fun, quality time with your kids by setting up work-out stations for the kids in the basement (or whatever room you choose). Whether this is learning cool yoga poses, crunches or wrestling matches, this is a way for the family to stay moving and bond.
  4. Shake Your Booty. Show the kids you still have some moves. Turn off the lights, get glow sticks, flashlights and play some music that can’t help but get the kids off the couch and groovin’ to the beats!
  5. Go Ice Skating or Roller Blading. This can be a new skill for people to learn at any age. The kids can race around the rink while breaking a sweat! This also focuses on the ability for the body to balance. You might even have a frozen pond in the back yard, so get a broom and start sweeping off that snow (that’s a workout right there)!

It is so important to make sure our kids are staying active, regardless of the season. Let’s take advantage of our winter months, and get creative with ways to have our kids staying healthy and active!

So, how are you going to get your kids moving as the snow is falling? Tell us by leaving a comment.

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JRN 450 Reflection

Over the course of the fall semester, I have been pushed to unthinkable measures in my JRN 450-public relations writing class. Twice a week, I would walk into JRN 450 not knowing what I was going to do. At first, I hated the feeling of the unknown. Now that I look back, I greatly appreciate it. Professor Wojcik showed me that I can make it in the public relations world. There are multiple areas of writing I improved in and I gained professional skills the career center cannot offer. Below, I will explain the top 3 take aways from my semester in JRN 450 and how it shaped my life for the better!

        1. The Portfolio

At the beginning of the semester, the class was told we would complete a professional portfolio comprised of various components. Within my portfolio were multiple letters of recommendation, writing samples, designs, certificates, resume and even my academic schedule. This maroon colored, leather binder is the number one project I completed throughout my college career so far. I am proud to show employers what I am capable of and what I can do for them, with the work I compiled together. Working on this assignment for multiple weeks, going home to get certain papers and spending long hours at the library was all worth it to see the final outcome. I also was able to take my portfolio to my first interview for an internship this summer, and it was great to see the interviewers impressed by my work.

        2. Not Your Normal Motivational Speeches 

In many of my classes, professors will give students a few life lessons throughout the course. I usually appreciate this to some degree. However, some professors go on tangents and the class ends up wasting valuable time. What is incredible about JRN 450 is how Professor Wojcik has used portions of class time to explain important life lessons within the public relations field, and every single word is wisdom coming straight from the heart. Our last class was specifically about important skills needed to be learned before graduating. How great is it to have a public relations writing class where the professor can teach you how to write in AP style at the same time as teach you the importance of financial decisions! Not only do I feel confident in my ability to write, but I feel confident in my ability to be a successful woman in the career field.

3. A Sense of Pride 

Getting my first grade back in this class was not easy for me to deal with at first. School is something I have excelled in my entire life, and up until this class I have truly not been pushed to my limit. As my professor would say, he wants us to feel the hockey game going on in our stomaches. Every time I received a  new assignment, I would remember the feedback given to me previously and I would be sure not to make the same mistake twice. I have created pieces such as a newsletter, brochure, media advisory and press release from scratch. This is  something for me to be truly proud of. I have created writing pieces that professionals are making and that is because of what I learned in JRN 450. Next year I will be graduating and I feel one step closer to being ready for the work force.





Queen Chloe’s Perspective: England Will Never Be the Same

Now before I start telling you all about what I want to change in this vicious world, I just want to explain how I am sitting in my Journalism 450 class and was given an assignment from my professor on how I need to blog about what three things would change if I were to be “Queen”. Naturally, I picked the country where I just studied abroad in and pranced around for a month visiting all of the royal sites.

       Chloe Marie Kosinski has now been inducted into her royal position as Queen of England .

England has now gained a woman in an authority position that has enough ideas to last a lifetime.

As the newly crowned Queen, I would first like to explain that all of the decisions I make from here on out are going to be solely based on the good of the people. I will now discuss the three main changes that I will be immediately making for this country.

       1. No one is to be discriminated by their color. If our law enforcement commits any type of action that the public perceives to be unjust, I will be personally covering this trial and making it lawful myself. Racism is real and alive folks, and I want to put a stop to it now.

       2. All education at any level is to be free. Yes, I said it. FREE. I want all people to have the right to an education and not have to worry about the financial aspect. Yes, some things will have to change for this to occur, I completely understand. However, if we want a successful country filled with intelligent adults we need people to have access to information.

       3. Clean Water. This might seem weird, but it is alive and well. If people are not intaking clean water, serious health risks arise. No matter what area of England you reside in, clean water will be of access. It will not matter your socioeconomic status, it will not matter your income, or what neighborhood you live in. Healthy water will be in your area of residence. Our people of England deserve the right to the basic necessities of life, and water truly makes this world work.

Now you might be thinking that these three things are not worth changing, or might not be a problem to you at all. If that is what you are thinking then guess what, you are WRONG. Some people walk around day to day, oblivious to the issues occurring right in front of their very own eyes. England is an extremely powerful and influential country. Many people come to this country for experiences and a new opportunity at life. I will not take my royal position lightly and let down my country.

These three changes will be put into effect immediately. I will not be surprised if i see backlash on media, because I know that is how most people rant these days, but remember that Queen Chloe has it under control. England is up and coming, and will forever be changed.

All Hail Queen Chloe!



LAS in the D

Every freshman, sophomore and junior that are leader advancement scholars have to be involved with a LEAD team. This year I was able to work my way onto the LAS in the D service trip, which is so exciting! I loved it so much my freshman year that I knew I had to go another year!

Preparing for the service trip requires extensive preparation, money, thought, and enthusiasm. This is a time for the freshman to all bond as well, which is what I am even more excited to see as the weekend is about to unfold. Friendships get made on this trip that I did not even know could occur.

Serving others with people you have a strong bond with, whether you are super close or not, is such a beautiful thing. Serving in Detroit is even more beautiful. I am excited to see where this weekend will take the freshman and their outlook on Detroit. The planning will finally come together and the freshman will experience one of their most memorable memories from freshman year, and as a sophomore I get to experience that all over again!